
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Data Centre Dialogue 3

On 3rd and 4th December 2012 I'm delighted to be chairing the Econique Data Centre Dialogue conference in Reading. The range and calibre of the speakers is excellent and I look forward to a lively debate on some of the key issues and challenges in this area at present.

My own session at the conference is about Innovative, sustainable and cost-effective power management where I'll share some of the interesting approaches we have taken in St Andrews to keep our data centre electrical energy costs as low as possible.

Further details can be found at the link below

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

DatacenterDynamics Awards - Finalist

I'm thrilled to announce that yet again, the University of St Andrews has been shortlisted for a prestigious award.
Category: Innovation in IT Optimisation 
Project Name: ICT Transformation At The University Of St Andrews.

I face the judges later this month and the winners will be annouced at the Awards Ceremony on 13th December... watch this space

Monday, 19 November 2012

Eduroam - available worldwide!

Probably one of the most useful and best kept secrets in the education sector is the eduroam wireless roaming service. I've heard it's the fastest growing internet hotspot and it is now available in 50 countries. 

Visiting another educational, research or related institution, opening your laptop and being instantly connected to your home network - logging in with your own institution username and password.

There is an excellent introductory animation 'What is eduroam?', created by AARNet (the Australian research and education network), on Youtube:  What is Eduroam ? which is worth viewing if you are not familiar with the service.

Janet UK operate the service in the UK and futher details can be found at

IT Geeks

An interesting article by the BBC!

Finally, it's cool to be geek or a nerd.  Whether you agree or not, you can't live without us!

At a recent CIO Harvey Nash event a few weeks ago, the CEO, Albert Ellis, indicated that our sector is the future and definitely the industry to be in.  He also said there was a massive skills shortage.  He also shared an interesting alternative of my job title of CIO: Chief Innovation Officer? Absolutely! 
...or maybe CIO: Career is Over?

Mark Zuckerberg - geek
Steve Jobs - geek

Friday, 2 November 2012

GOLD Award for St Andrews

Further to my earlier blog regarding the University of St Andrews Data Centre I was notified today that we have achieved the British Computer Society GOLD CEEDA standard.  We are the first University in the UK to achieve this standard.  Not only this, we are the first public sector organisation to achieve this accolade. 

This is a fantastic recognition of our commitment towards energy management and is in alignment with the University's sustainability strategy - to become carbon neutral by 2016. 

Achieveing this standard was not trivial - all aspects of our project and operation were thoroughly investigated through an intense audit process. 

Many thanks to all those University staff involved in this project and to those involved in the accreditation process.  When we decided to go down the route of accreditation, those involved indicated  that receiving a bronze award would be our target.  To achieve gold – particularly as an organisation in which ‘IT’ is not its core function is fantastic.  I'm delighted for my team who have demonstrated a great passion and commitment to continually improving our energy efficiency. 

This is a very positive reflection on the skills, expertise and professionalism of all of the staff within my IT Services team as the assessment process also looked more widely at how we deliver various aspects of our service.

Well done University of St Andrews!

For more information about the award, visit: